Indoor Palm Plants Care Instructions and Descriptions

palm house plants

They are non-toxic to humans and animals and make excellent house plants. Make sure to inspect them regularly for pests, scales, and leaf spots. When leaves get spotted, using Epsom salts periodically helps with magnesium deficits. The Dwarf Bamboo Palm is one of the most simple to care for because it takes little to no maintenance and isn’t very sensitive to light or humidity. This plant, sometimes known as Cat Palms and Cataract Palms, develops to a height of around 3′. It is a cluster of stems with thick leaves, similar to the Ivory Cane Palm.

Majesty Palm (Ravenea rivularis)

Mealybugs look like white, sticky masses and are usually found where the leaf meets the stem. If the spider mite infestation is severe, you’ll see fine webbing on the undersides of the leaves. Leanne Potts is an award-winning journalist who has covered home design and shelter topics for three decades. She's an expert on everything from choosing a color palette for a room to growing heirloom tomatoes to the origins of Modernism in interior design.

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Types of Indoor Palm Plants Best Palm Varieties

Growing indoor palms can improve the aesthetics of any room in your house or office. Even though they have some specific care requirements, growing palms indoors in attractive pots is relatively straightforward. One of the most popular types of indoor palm plants of the Victorian era, Kentia palm is a slow grower that can reach a maximum height of 10 feet.

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But the best potting medium for them is a loose, porous mix, such as a combo of peat moss, leaf mold, and shredded bark. You will notice in pictures that the pygmy palm’s fronds are narrower than other palms. In containers indoors, pygmy palms may only grow to about 4 ft. (1.2 m)—ideal if you don’t have much room. Being a clumping palm, the bushy foliage on the multiple stems of cat palms makes this an excellent palm to brighten up a corner. As an elegant houseplant palm, the cat palm grows up to 3.3 ft. (1 m). Palms are generally slow-growing and need only minimal pruning to clean up dead or broken fronds.

palm house plants

Most will thrive in a location with the full sun while others will need shade. The type of soil is also an important factor when picking a location. New palms should also be watered frequently to help form more roots. Make a small dam on the soil surface around the outside of the root ball, then add water inside the dam to direct water into the root zone. That being said, keep in mind that too much water may discourage roots from growing, delaying the palm's progress. The ponytail palm plant has a thick trunk from which arching leaves emerge.

Palm Plant Care: How to Grow Indoor Palm Trees as Houseplants

Even though palms are generally non-fussy houseplants, they have some specific care requirements to help them thrive. Of course, some species, such as the parlor palm and kentia palm, may be easier to care for than other species. A spacious, oft-frequented bathroom with indirect light would be the perfect spot for one. The pygmy date palm generally grows to 3- to 5- feet tall indoors. It features narrow, feathery leaves in glossy green, silvery-green, or dark green.

European fan palm

You may also water the soil around the palm prior to a cold snap; moist soil stays warm longer because water loses heat less rapidly than dry soil. Take care to keep water off the palm—when water freezes on the palm, it causes damage to the plant tissues below. To start bracing your palm, take three or four braces of 2x4 lumber and equally space them around the palm. Make them long enough and place their bottom ends far enough from the palm tree to allow support in strong winds. Fasten these braces to the palm by wrapping burlap around the trunk at the appropriate height to protect the trunk from scratches and scrapes. Securely nail the braces into the small pieces of wood—never nail directly into the palm.

Keeping humidity levels high is the best way to prevent spider mites from taking over your plant. Also, when growing plants indoors—including tropical palms—make sure there is plenty of air circulation. During summer, move your plant outdoors to a bright location away from direct sunlight. The warm, humid air and plenty of air circulating will help care for your palm plant.

The essential care requirement for palm pot soil is that it drains well and holds some moisture. Indoor palm plants can be more demanding to care for than other houseplants. The primary care requirements are generally getting enough light, keeping humidity high, and watering correctly. The sentry palm looks similar to the kentia palm with long slender stems and a crown of shiny green foliage. The main difference between the two types of palms is that the sentry palm leaves arch more. If you check their scientific names, you will notice that both are cultivars from the same palm genus Howea.

It is native to Madagascar and considered one of the best palm plants to grow indoors. The areca palm, also known as butterfly palm, has bold, plumy, arching fronds consisting of approximately 100 leaflets, per Gardening Know How. What can you do about indoor palm plants that develop brown tips on leaves? The problem of brown or yellow tips is a common issue caused by over-feeding or lack of water.

Once the seed has sprouted, move the palm somewhere with abundant light and continue allowing it to grow. Feed the palm with a weak liquid fertilizer a few months into its growth period. Once the palm has grown several sets of leaves, you can transplant it into a larger container. It's a very common mistake to over-prune palm trees, which can weaken the overall plant and rob it of valuable nutrients.

Keep in bright, indirect light, and don’t worry if the temperature drops as they are cold hardy to 23°F (-5°C). Their popularity as a houseplant is because they also tolerate low light and shade. Majesty palm tree—An impressive palm that starts as a medium-sized houseplant but grows to immense heights. Give majesty palms plenty of humidity, moisture, and warmth to help them thrive. These tropical palms also grow well in shady areas of your room.

This palm (Licuala grandis) brings the drama with huge circular leaves that look like a folded fan. Native to Australia, they grow to 6 feet high indoors, and can span 10 feet wide. If you're looking for a plant to set and forget, this palm (Howea forsteriana) is for you. Once established, it requires very little care, making it one of the most low-maintenance and easy-to-grow tropical plants. Water the plant when the top 1″ of soil is dry during the spring and summer growing seasons. Wait until the top 2″ of the plant is dry throughout the winter, when it is dormant.
