15 Large Leaf Houseplants to Turn Your Home Into an Indoor Jungle
Table Of Content Fiddle-Leaf Fig Tree 12 Houseplants That Collect the Most Dust—and Why That’s a Good Thing Indoor Gardening Guides Tall Houseplants That Make a Statement in Your Home Rubber plant Fiddle Leaf Fig If the houseplant has the proper care and environment, it will thrive. Most houseplants with big leaves need indirect light, quality potting soil, and regular watering, but not too much water. The Banana tree plant is a great indoor plant with big leaves. It has an interesting shape and brings vibrant color to any space. Fiddle-Leaf Fig Tree The jade tree is a big houseplant that is one of the easiest indoor plants to care for. The indoor tree is identified by tear-shaped succulent leaves that measure between 1.1” and 3.5” (3 – 9 cm) long. The thick woody stems can grow up to 5 ft. (1.5 m) indoors and the succulent foliage creates a shrub-like appearance. Many people keep jade trees at home or in the office because they are said to be plants that bring good luck. The d...